Order your card and support our Indiegogo campaign here
Transfer contact data in a second
With just a simple touch of your electronic business card to other person’s phone you can transfer your contact data like phone number, email, social media profiles etc.
What is NFC card?
Electornic business card, made from special type of plastic.
Compatible with all smart devices on the market.
One NFC Card equals 100 000 paper business cards.
How it works?
You order one of our cards.
You meet a person to whom you wish to send your contact info, and just touch the card to his phone.
That’s it! The other person already has your contact saved in his device, and you can use your card many times.

Without installation of additional software
So many things you could perform on your smart device, but for each one you should install additional software.
Not in this case! You don’t have to download and set up any additional apps, you can send and receive data only with the built-in software.
One card for all
You go on a meeting or conference, and you have to think about not forgetting your business cards. One more thing in the long list, that you should take care of. How easy would it be, if you can add contacts directly in your phone without the boring of typing each letter?
Well, it is possible now! Using one of our cards, guarantee that business partners will get your contact instantly to their phones, and you are sure they will not lose it on their way home. Even better, if they have one of our cards, you will also save their contact instantly and the problem is solved!

LAN cable
Works without internet connection
Isn’t it annoying that you need internet connection for almost everything? And sometimes there is just no connection and mobile signal, even with LTE or 4G. Well, our solution does not need internet connection to operate!
You won’t worry about the phone’s battery too, because the NFC technology consumes very little amount of energy.
No NFC reader required
You can get the contact information of your business partners even without having NFC Chip installed on your phone.
Our cards have printed QR code which you just need to scan and contact will be added to your phone book.

It makes easier life of disadvantaged people
The electronic business card makes easier and faster exchanging of contacts even for people who have serious problems with vision or hearing.
It will be easier for them to take contacts from other people just by touching their phone to the card, instead of typing all the letters and numbers with the keyboard.
Take one of our cards – Save a tree!
One electronic business card guarantees you minimum of 100 000 reads and can save you the same amount of regular paper business cards.
With the paper, produced from one tree a total of 100 000 paper business cards could be made. So basically by ordering one of our cards, you are saving one tree from cutting off.

Our NFC cards are with modern and neat design!

High quality printing, which guarantees excellent colors.

Exchange data with other devices fast and easy.

A great way to advertise your business.